- Competition between parallel viscosity and ion-neutral friction in damping the parallel flow in a quasisymmetric stellarator
S. T. A. Kumar
HSX Plasma Laboratory, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA - Elimination of alpha particle losses in quasi-helically symmetric equilibria
A. Bader, D. T. Anderson, B. J. Faber, H. Frerichs, C. C. Hegna, T. Kruger, L. Singh, J. N. Talmadge
HSX Plasma Laboratory, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA
M. Drevlak
Max Planck Institut fur Plasmaphysik, Greifswald, Germany
J. C. Schmitt
Auburn University, Alabama, USA
A. Ware
University of Montana, Missoula, Montana, USA
C. Zhu
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton, New Jersey, USA - Experimental measurements of heat flux and density fluctuations compared to gyrokinetic simulation in the HSX stellarator
J. Smoniewski, B. J. Faber, K. M. Likin, J. N. Talmadge
HSX Plasma Laboratory, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, USA
M. J. Pueschel
Institute for Fusion Studies, University of Texas at Austin, Texas, USA - Fast ion confinement studies on HSX
A. L. F. Thornton, F. S. B. Anderson, K. M. Likin, B. Geiger, A. Bader, S. T. A. Kumar, J. K. Anderson, D. T. Anderson
HSX Plasma Laboratory, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, USA
S. Murakami
Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
S. A. Lazerson, P. Z. Poloskei
Max Planck Institut fur Plasmaphysik, Greifswald, Germany - Finite plasma flow close to the magnetic axis in HSX
J. N. Talmadge, S. T. A. Kumar
HSX Plasma Laboratory, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA
Y. Yamamoto, S. Murakami
Department of Nuclear Engineering, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan - Helically Symmetric eXperiment (HSX) – an Upgrade
B. Geiger, D. Anderson, F. S. B. Anderson, C. Martin, A. Thornton, S. T. A. Kumar, K. M. Likin, HSX Team
HSX Plasma Laboratory, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA - Hydrogen isotope effects on particle transport and density fluctuations in the HSX stellarator
C. Deng, D. L. Brower
University of California, Los Angeles, California, USA
D. T. Anderson, F. S. B. Anderson, A. Bader, S. T. A. Kumar, K. M. Likin, J. N. Talmadge
HSX Plasma Laboratory, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA
K. Tanaka
National Institute for Fusion Science, Japan - Impurity transport experiments at the HSX stellarator with laser blow-off injections
J. F. Castillo, A. Bader, B. Geiger, S. T. A. Kumar, K. M. Likin, D. T. Anderson, F. S. B. Anderson, J. N. Talmadge
HSX Plasma Laboratory, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA