- Core Density Fluctuations in the HSX Stellarator
C. Deng , D. L. Brower
University of California, Los Angeles
D. T. Anderson, F. S. B. Anderson, A. Briesemeister, S. T. A. Kumar, K. Likin, J. N. Talmadge
University of Wisconsin-Madison - Exploration of control of neutral fueling and exhaust by a pumped limiter at the edge magnetic island chain of the HSX stellarator
L. A. Stephey, A. Bader, S. T. A. Kumar, O. Schmitz, D. T. Anderson, J. N. Talmadge, F. S. B. Anderson, C. C. Hegna
HSX Plasma Laboratory, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, USA - Formation of Counter-Flows by Magnetic Perturbations in Computer Simulations of the Plasma Boundary of Tokamaks
H. Frerichs, O. Schmitz, T. E. Evans, Y. Feng, D. Reiter
- Investigation of impact of radiation cooling on startup plasmas at Wendelstein 7-X with EMC3-Eirene simulations
F. Effenberg, H. Frerichs, O. Schmitz
Department for Engineering Physics, University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, WI, USA
Y. Feng, S. A. Bozhenkov, H. Hoelbe, T. S. Pedersen
Max-Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Association EURATOM-IPP, 17491 Greifswald, Germany
D. Reiter
Institute of Energy and Climate Research - Plasma Physics, Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH, Association EURATOM-FZJ, 52425 Juelich, Germany - Measurement of Pfirsch-Schluter flows and radial electric field in HSX
S. T. A. Kumar, F. S. B. Anderson, D. T. Anderson, J. N. Talmadge
HSX Plasma Laboratory, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA - Neoclassical calculations in HSX beyond the monoenergetic assumption
J. Smoniewski, J. N. Talmadge, S. T. A. Kumar
HSX Plasma Laboratory, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, USA
S. Satake
NIFS, Japan
M. Landreman
Univ. of Maryland, College Park, USA - Overview of the HSX Program and Plans for Upgrade
D. T. Anderson & the HSX Team
HSX Plasma Laboratory, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, USA - Spectral MSE Study on HSX and Non-Statistical Beam Level Populations
C. Ruiz, S. T. A. Kumar, F. S. B Anderson, D. T. Anderson
HSX Plasma Laboratory, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, USA
O. Marchuck
Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH, Germany - Targeted Physics Optimization in HSX
J. N. Talmadge, B. Faber, A. Bader
HSX Plasma Laboratory, Univ. of Wisconsin
S. Lazerson, H. E. Mynick
J. H. E. Proll
IPP, Greifswald
V. V. Nemov
IPP, Kharkov, Ukraine - The design of a MSE polarimetry diagnostic for the measurement of radial electric fields on the HSX stellarator
T. Dobbins, S. T. A. Kumar, D. T. Anderson, F. S. B. Anderson
HSX Plasma Laboratory, University of Wisconsin, Madison